Another transporting and visceral evening of sound and healing.
On June 13, fifty inspired humans came together to sit and receive the healing vibrations of Tommy Dill’s sounds. As we learned by Blackrose’s founder, sound healing works through vibration, resonance and cymatics.
According to quantum physics, all of life is energy and energy is vibration… each cell, organ, and therefore body system in the human body has a unique vibration and frequency. In our everyday life, things can affect these frequencies, such as toxic substances, stress and emotional traumas, pathogens, even repetitive out-of-alignment thought patterns, which cause dis-ease in our being or feeling stuck in life.
During Tommy’s sound journey, instruments are tuned and vibrate at different frequencies which match those in the body, reharmonizing and bringing our cells back into balance.
The doors were kept open to the StarHouse temple, allowing for each guest to experience the enriching and healing sounds of Mother Nature herself. From the heard sound and felt sense of the wind to the hummingbirds’ flight, the natural elements paired with Tommy’s soundscape created a palpable and memorable evening for all.
To find out more about the artist, venue & vendors we collaborated with:

“You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by sound and music and vibration. ”